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Be Safe Out There ⚠️

 The ice comes and the ice goes.  Here is an ice safety guide for enjoying the winter pleasures of Spofford Lake.  

Ice In, Time to Renew, and Change in Team Lead, February 1, 2025

Dear Members, Neighbors, and Friends:

Happy 2025.  It’s been a while since the last Gazette, so let’s get caught up.  

Ice In:  Ice in was declared on January 12 and has been reported as part of Spofford’s VLAP (Voluntary Lake Assessment Program) requirements. Ice skaters and skate sailors have been seen enjoying winter pleasures.  Be safe out there.  Here are some recommended ice depths to keep in mind as the winter progresses.

New Year…time to renew your membership: We are pleased to report that the SLA ended the year on a strong note, financially. We were able to fund our ‘regular’ operations, e.g., Lake Hosts, water quality testing and again contribute to the Lake Preservation Fund.  We, along with the help of the Conservation Commission, also took on a new expense, i.e., the monitoring buoy. As we look forward, we urge your continued support of the organization for these important initiatives.  If you are not a member and love Spofford Lake, please join us. Already a member?  We would appreciate your renewal now so that we can plan activities for 2025. Checks can be sent to the SLA, P.O. Box 177, Spofford NH 03462.  Thanks so much. 

Water Quality Monitoring Program:  For the past four years, Chris Oot has served as the team leader of the WQMP.  He has decided to pass the baton. Chris will transition his responsibilities over this season, 2025, to Harry Compton, who has some big shoes to fill! Harry’s qualifications and experience cover a broad range of relevant technical areas including biology, environmental sciences, chemistry, and limnology.  As a long-term U.S. EPA employee, Harry also has managed large and diverse projects and teams.  Finally, Harry has experience as a WQMP volunteer on both the on-shore and on-water sampling teams.  

WQMP Volunteers: We are looking for volunteers to assist the on-shore testing teams this summer. If you are interested in learning, and able to give time on Tuesday mornings for a few hours, once a month at the end of May, July, August, and September, please reach out to us.

Watershed Committee: The Town Watershed Committee was formed two years ago by the Board of Selectmen (BOS) "to provide recommendations to the BOS that advance the understanding, planning, implementation, and use of watershed management tools and techniques to effectively protect and enhance the water quality of Spofford (Lake).” 

The committee made a series of recommendations to reduce stormwater run-off, which is the largest, controllable source of phosphorus entering the lake.   Three areas of town zoning regulation: (1) updating ordinances to include the use of new technologies i.e., pervious pavement; (2) correcting and applying existing commercial and residential development surface water management regulation to single family residential construction; and (3) changing the driveway permit to assure adequate drainage. 

The BOS decided that the committee successfully completed its work. Therefore the subcommittee is no longer in place for 2025. We will continue to have a BOS Representative liaison to the SLA and a strong relationship with the Town.  If a future need arises, the BOS can always establish future sub-committees as projects necessitate. 

2025 SLA Annual Membership Meeting: Save the Date! This year’s annual meeting will be held at the Spofford Yacht Club (SYC) on Saturday, July 26. We look forward to seeing you there.

Lakes in Winter:  Like humans, lakes tend to recharge in the winter months.  Learn what’s going on under the ice and what it means to their overall health from NH LAKES and/or from the Maine Science Center.

Strange and Mysterious Lakes that Dot Our Planet:  NH LAKES invites you to “Spooky Lakes.”  Author Geo Rutherford will share some of the more ecologically interesting lakes featured in her book, Spooky Lakes.  This is an opportunity to learn about natural phenomena, historical events, environmental disasters, and strange happenings surrounding lakes and other hydrology.  Join the session, Wednesday, February 5, 7:00-8:00 pm. FREE pre-registration is required.  Space is limited. 

Town of Chesterfield:  Interested in community updates and events, sign up for the Chesterfield Happenings monthly Newsletter here

The Spofford Lake Association

Spofford Lake Association

PO Box 177
Spofford, NH 03462

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