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Zoom in on Stormwater Runoff on October 9, Beaver Walk on Oct 12, Boat Ramp Improvements, Lake Water Lowering, and Water Quality Sampling, Sept 21

Dear Members, Neighbors, and Lake Lovers:

Some neighbors have already closed their homes and docks are being pulled out.  Even the temps are dipping in a nod to the end of the season.  That said, plenty of activity still abounds around the Lake.

Stormwater Runoff Presentation:  Join the SLA on Wednesday, October 9 at 5pm for a virtual presentation recapping the work done via Phase II of the EPA’s Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Program.  Grant partners, Jason Cooper, Southwest Regional Planning Commission (SWRPC) and Mindee Goodrum from FB Environmental, along with one of the homeowners involved in the grant, will review the grant history while showcasing the meaningful results it has had on Spofford Lake.  We hope that you can join us to learn more and ask any questions that you may have about this team effort!  Click here to login to the session.

Lake Hosts:  They are still on duty and will continue twelve-hour shifts until October 13. Thanks for all the good work and particularly the milfoil “save” earlier in the year. 

Water Quality Sampling and Turnover:  The SLA’s fourth and final 2024 Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP) sampling event is set for September 24.  Each ‘event’ comprises two “on-shore” teams of volunteers covering 28 designated tributaries, upstream locations, and beaches, and a third “on-lake” group sampling the Lake’s Deep Spot at various depths.

Later this year, a team will sample phosphorus levels during Fall turnover.  Lake turnover occurs when the surface water cools and becomes denser causing it to sink, thus fully mixing with the water below.  Because the Lake is fully mixed during turnover, it provides a unique opportunity to determine the average concentration of phosphorus and allows for an “apple to apple” comparison of changes over the summer months as well as year-to-year.

Lake turnover is extremely important in freshwater lakes, as it is the event that is responsible for replenishing dissolved oxygen in the deepest lake waters. When the lake water is at a uniform temperature and density, wind moves highly oxygenated surface water to the lake bottom, and forces low oxygen water from the lake bottom up to the surface where it becomes saturated with oxygen. Due to climate change, the interval between Spring and Fall turnover has increased, meaning that less/no oxygen gets mixed into the Lake from the atmosphere.  Thus, dissolved oxygen at the lower levels is not replaced and indeed is gradually depleted by aquatic plants and animals.  Here is Spofford’s recent turnover history.






April 6

April 11

April 9


November 25

December 4


Boat Ramp Improvements:  On Sept 10, CivilWorks New England of Dover, NH met with the Boat Ramp Committee to assess and survey the property.  Results of the visit, in the form of an initial plan, are expected in the coming weeks.  The Boat Ramp Committee meetings are open to the public.  Questions or comments relative to this work can be to directed Select Board member, Mary Ewell, who is also a member of the Boat Ramp Committee.

Lake Water Level and the Boat Ramp Rehab:  In keeping with tradition, the Town will begin lowering the Lake after Columbus Day on Tuesday, October 15.  With plans of boat ramp rehabilitation in mind for October/November, rather than the typical gradual decline in water level, the boards will be pulled to enable a rapid lowering of the water. Boat owners are encouraged to remove their boats by Monday, October 21 and reminded that the lake water level is already 3 inches below the top of the boards.  

Fall CleanUp:  Don’t forget to cut back and remove waterside weeds.  If you don’t, they land in the Lake and decay.  Can you say muck?

Beavers and Woodlands, Pisgah Park Woodlands Walk:  Beavers are one of the most fascinating animals within the Chesterfield landscape.  Take a walk with Matt Tarr, UNH Cooperative Extension and Kim Nilsen of Pisgah Parks and learn how beavers create and shape wetlands in the Broad Brook Watershed of Pisgah Park and how to mange the inevitable conflicts with people. 

Presented by the Chesterfield Conservation Commission, this free walk begins at 9:00am on Saturday, October 12 at Horseshoe Road Trailhead, Pisgah State Park.  Wear clothing and footwear suitable for a 2-3 mile walk. Questions can be directed to

SLA Store:  The temps are dropping and it’s time to freshen your wardrobe with sweats, hoodies, beanies, and more.  Visit our store for a variety of SLA-logoed items.  

Until later,

The Spofford Lake Association

Spofford Lake Association

PO Box 177
Spofford, NH 03462

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